The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has a set of guidelines in place that determines who is protected by certain laws that are in place for employers. Whether you are exempt or nonexempt can be quite confusing for both employees and employers, but it is very important...

Month: August 2018
What evidence can help prove employment discrimination?
Despite the many federal and state laws prohibiting employment discrimination, it still occurs at an alarming rate in California and other states. It is difficult in many cases to understand why employment discrimination still happens in this age of tolerance and...
Strengthen your sexual harassment claim with these tips
Victims of sexual harassment usually feel powerless to do anything about the unwanted and illegal behavior. Workers who need their jobs and are hesitant to do anything that might place their employment in jeopardy. Some victims choose not to file a claim and may seek...
What are some examples of workplace disability discrimination?
In all American states, including California, it is illegal to engage in disability discrimination in the work environment. Unfortunately, this type of behavior still exists in many workplaces. It might sound strange, but victims of workplace disability discrimination...
Potential laws to prevent workplace sexual harassment
More and more California employers are revisiting sexual harassment-prevention programs, as victims of sexual harassment have continued to share their stories. Now, lawmakers are also revisiting policies to help employers avoid and handle cases of sexual harassment....
2 examples of wrongful termination in California
Nearly all American states embrace the "at-will" employment concept. What this means is that employees and employers are both free to end a working relationship whenever they want. This termination or employment can occur for a specific reason or for no reason at all....