Personal Injury
The Mirroknian Law Firm, P.C. handles serious personal injury cases throughout Southern California, including cases involving catastrophic injuries and wrongful death. If you have been injured in an accident, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer who understands both how to negotiate settlements with the insurance company as well as how to try cases in court.
Whether involved in a serious automobile accident or a slip and fall in a grocery store, restaurant, or on a public sidewalk, the law allows injured persons to recover for the damage caused to them by another’s negligence. Compensable damages include property damage and medical expenses caused by the accident, as well as future medical bills that will likely result from the injury. The injured person may recover lost wages from work missed due to the accident and recovery, as well as any diminished earning capacity for the future which has resulted. The pain and suffering one has endured from the accident may also be compensated, and in some cases, punitive damages may be sought. The Mirroknian Law Firm is dedicated to pursuing all possible avenues of recovery.
Other key issues are at play in personal injury cases, including knowing the correct statute of limitations to apply. There is a period after an accident or injury during which a lawsuit may be filed, but after that deadline has passed, a case which was not initiated within that time may never be filed. Different timelines apply depending upon the type of injury, or if the case is against the government versus a private party. A qualified personal injury lawyer can work to ensure you do not miss the statute of limitations or any procedural deadlines.
The issue of comparative negligence often arises in personal injury cases, as the defendant often tries to shift the blame to the plaintiff for causing or contributing to the accident. The plaintiff’s own contributory negligence will not bar a claim, but will reduce the plaintiff’s recovery proportionately. Nevertheless, our firm is committed to making sure that blame is properly placed where it belongs.
Attorney Reza Mirroknian has over a decade of experience representing personal injury victims, recovering millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts during that time.
Pursue Justice Today
If you or someone you love has been injured due to the negligent or wrongful conduct of another, contact The Mirroknian Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation about how we can help right the injustice which was done to you. Contact us online or at 818-962-5603.